1:1 5th Grade Math Semester
1:1 Comprehensive 5th Grade Math Semester (Part 1 of 2)
Service Description
Does your child need enrichment for their current math curriculum or additional practice and support? Perhaps they are a home-based learner looking for a certified and experienced instructor? This course offers one-to-one, private instruction on all of 5th grade math standards for the typical semester including topics in place value, decimals, and fractions. Students will engage in group discussions on topics and will learn through concrete (hands-on), pictorial (modeling), and abstract (equation based) activities. Developing a deep understanding of concepts and their relationships is the goal of this course. Although all standard algorithms (basic computation methods) will be taught, students will focus more on problem solving straggles and how to solve multi-step problems at the 5th grade level. Support for children who are struggling or extension for those advanced students will be provided. Differentiation for each learner is important in this class. Please email Corrie Bowman Ostrem to schedule other course dates and times. This course can also be offered over the entire school year or on other dates and times if preferred. Topics for the semester are as follows: Semester Theme: Place Value, Long Multiplication and Division, Decimals, and Fractions The semester will be broken down in to the topics described by the Common Core Standards for 5th grade: Full Course: 17 weeks (2 classes per week/ 34 total lessons) ***THIS CLASS IS PART 1 OF 2******* IT INCLUDES THE FIRST 14 LESSONS********* Section 1: (First 2.5 weeks: 5 Lessons): Place Value Concepts Lesson 1: Whole Number Place Value (to billions) and Decimal Place Value (to 10,000ths) Basics Lesson 2: Expanded, Word, and Standard Form (Whole Numbers and Decimals) Lesson 3: Ordering and Comparing Whole Numbers and Decimals Lesson 4: Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals Lesson 5: Place Value Patterns: Rules with Zeros and 10s, 100s, and 1,000s Section 2: (5 Weeks/ 9 lessons): Multiplication and Division Methods and Concepts Lesson 1: Multiplication and Division Patterns Lesson 2: Multiplying Whole Numbers (Box Method) Lesson 3: Multiplying Whole Numbers (Standard Algorithm / 4 x 1 digit numbers) Lesson 4: Estimating and Multiplying Whole Numbers ( Standard Algorithm/ 2 x 2 digit and larger) Lesson 5: Multiplication Review (All Methods) Lesson 6: Long Division Basics (Box Method) Lesson 7: Long Division as Repeated Subtraction Lesson 8: Standard Algorithm of Long Division
Contact Details
Montana, United States